- 01/2022 – now | Hydrogen Generator (CZ) | Valcon Int
Associated with Valcon Int (http://www.valcon-int.com), I am currently participating in design of Electrolytic Hydrogen Generator for power plant Ledvice (CZ). My task is electrical design as well as programming of PLC. In cooperation with ČEZ ESCO (https://www.cezesco.cz/).

- 09/2021 – now | DCS Optimization & Modification (Ledvice – CZ) | Valcon Int
Associated with Valcon Int (http://www.valcon-int.com), I was participating in Ledvice Power Plant DCS Optimization & Modification . In cooperation with ČEZ (www.cez.cz).

- 09/2021 – now | Switchyard DCS Modifications (Mělník – CZ) | Valcon Int
Associated with Valcon Int (http://www.valcon-int.com), I am currently responsible for Melnik PP Switchyards DCS Modification. Modificatins consist of introducing a new communication between existing DCS and new Siemens DCS, modification of HMI and modification of control. In cooperation with I&C Energo (https://www.ic-energo.eu/).

- 01/2020 – 08/2021 | DeNOx DCS Barranco – Granadilla (Spain) | Valcon Int
Associated with Valcon Int (http://www.valcon-int.com) as Lead Engineer, I was responsible for developing & commissioning of logic for DeNOx System of power plants Barranco de Tirajana & Grandilla (Canary Islands – Spain). Our to task was to implement, test & commission control & regulation for this deNOx system. I was leading the SW team and I was responsible for conduction the FAT Test. Our team also commissioned our logic on-site. In cooperation with Emerson Spain (https://www.emerson.com/es-es) and Enel (https://www.enel.com/) .

- 07/2018 – 10/2018 | Pump Station DCS Retrofit (Nováky – Slovakia) | Valcon Int
Associated with Valcon Int (http://www.valcon-int.com) as Lead Engineer, I was responsible for development of DCS logic based on old DCS system for Pump Station of Novaky Power Plant (Slovakia). This included also incorporation of this DCS (Ovation) to existing power plant network and commissioning of whole system. In cooperation with Emerson Spain (https://www.emerson.com/sk-sk).

- 12/2017 – 03/2018 | Galliford Try (UK) | Valcon Int
Associated with Valcon Int (http://www.valcon-int.com) as Senior Process Engineer, I participated in commissioning of newly built waste-to-heat power plant in Barry, Hull and Boston (UK). My task was to support the commissioning team during tests and also make modifications to the logic of DCS. In cooperation with Emerson UK (https://www.emerson.com/en-gb).

- 12/2017 – 02/2020 | DeSOx DCS As Pontes (As Pontes – Spain) | Valcon Int
Associated with Valcon Int (http://www.valcon-int.com) as Lead Engineer, I was responsible for developing & commissioning of logic for deSOx System of power plant As Pontes de García Rodríguez (Spain). Our to task was to implement, test & commission control & regulation for this deSOx system. I was leading the SW team and I was responsible for conduction the FAT Test. Our team also commissioned our logic on-site. In cooperation with Emerson Spain (https://www.emerson.com/es-es) and Enel (https://www.enel.com/) .

- 11/2016 – 07/2018 | DeNOx DCS As Pontes (As Pontes – Spain) | Valcon Int
Associated with Valcon Int (http://www.valcon-int.com) as Lead Engineer, I was responsible for developing & commissioning of logic for deNOx System of power plant As Pontes de García Rodríguez (Spain). Our to task was to implement, test & commission control & regulation for this deNOx system. I was leading the SW team and I was responsible for conduction the FAT Test. Our team also commissioned our logic on-site. In cooperation with Emerson Spain (https://www.emerson.com/es-es) and Enel (https://www.enel.com/) .

- 10/2016 – 08/2017 | 6th October Power Plant DCS (Giza- Egypt) | Valcon Int
Associated with Valcon Int (http://www.valcon-int.com) as Senior Process Engineer, I participated in development of Turbine DCS & Unit Coordinator of power plant 6th October (Egypt). My task was to design & program the logic according the specification. I also programmed Perfomance Calculator & Simulator. In cooperation with Emerson Italy (https://www.emerson.com/it-it) and Ansaldo (https://www.ansaldoenergia.com/) .

- 06/2016 – 11/2016 | Tirajana DCS Migration (Gran Canaria – Spain) | Valcon Int
Associated with Valcon Int (http://www.valcon-int.com) as Senior Process Engineer, I participated in migration of older version of Ovation DCS for power plant Barranco de Tirajana (Spain). My task was to migrate the logic of older system to new one and support this transition on site. In cooperation with Emerson Spain (https://www.emerson.com/es-es).

- 09/2016 – 11/2016 | San Vittore U1 (San Vittore – Italy) | Valcon Int
Associated with Valcon Int (http://www.valcon-int.com) as Senior Process Engineer, I was responsible for supporting commissioning of industrial communications in waste-to-heat power plant San Vittore U1. My task was to test & modify industrial communications, which communicated with different parts of technology. In cooperation with Emerson Italy (https://www.emerson.com/it-it).

- 11/2015 – 07/2016 | DeNOx & DCS Migration Los Barrios (Algeciras – Spain) | Valcon Int
Associated with Valcon Int (http://www.valcon-int.com) as Senior Process Engineer, I participated in migration of older version of Ovation DCS for power plant Los Barrios (Spain). My task was to migrate the logic of older system to new one and support this transition on site. Also I assisted with integration of the logic of newly built deNOx system to existing DCS system. In cooperation with Emerson Spain (https://www.emerson.com/es-es) and Emerson Italy (https://www.emerson.com/it-it).

- 05/2015 – 11/2015 | DeNOx Novaky (Nováky – Slovakia) | Valcon Int
Associated with Valcon Int (http://www.valcon-int.com) as Senior Process Engineer, I was part of a team, that was responsible for development and commissioning of the logic of deNOx system for power plant Novaky (Slovakia). I was responsible for design of the logic and regulation in accordance with a specification of main supplier. During commissioning I assisted during functional tests. In cooperation with Emerson Slovakia (https://www.emerson.com/en-sk).

- 11/2014 – 05/2015 | Cofely Barry CHP (Barry – UK) | Valcon Int
Associated with Valcon Int (http://www.valcon-int.com) as Senior Process Engineer, I participated in development of logic during the retrofit of an old DCS of power plant Barry CHP (UK). My task was to develop the control logic and regulations. In cooperation with Emerson UK (https://www.emerson.com/en-gb).

- 01/2014 – 11/2014 | FK1 ENO DCS Retrofit (Nováky – Slovakia) | Valcon Int
Associated with Valcon Int (http://www.valcon-int.com) as Senior Process Engineer, I was member of a team, that developed and commissined logic of retrofitted DCS of FK1 unit of power plant Novaky (DCS) . Our task was to replace old DCS by a new DCS Ovation and retrofit the old control. I was responsible for programming of the logic and for supporting the commissioning team on-site. In cooperation with Emerson Slovakia (https://www.emerson.com/en-sk).

- 01/2011 – 11/2014 | Neft Daslari GTCPP (Neft Daslari – Azerbaijan) | Valcon Int
Associated with Valcon Int (http://www.valcon-int.com) as Senior Process Engineer, I participated in development and commissioning of a newly built off-shore power plant Neft Dashlari (Azerbaijan). The power plant consists of 6 GTs and 3 heat exchangers. It was built to replace an old gas power plant working in the island mode providing power and heat for an artificial island located off-shore in Caspic sea. Our goal was to develop and commission logic/HMI for following parts:
- Communications (with GTs and other autonomic technologies)
- Safety System (SIS)
- Load Shedding SW
I was involved in design of logic for all parts. After development phase it was our responsibility to perform FAT tests and then commission the system on-site (off-shore).

- 11/2012 – 03/2013 | Wilhelmshaven CFPP (Wilhelmshaven – Germany) | Valcon Int
Associated with Valcon Int (http://www.valcon-int.com) as Junior Process Engineer, I was part of a commissioning team that was responsible of commissioning of a newly built coal fired power plant located in Wilhemshaven (Germany). This supercritical power plant was equiped with DCS Ovation (Emerson) and safety system SIS (Emerson). My responsibility was to assist during signal checks as well as during technological tests.

- 05/2012 – 07/2012 | Debrecen Turbine DCS Retrofit (Debrecen – Hungary) | Valcon Int
Associated with Valcon Int (http://www.valcon-int.com) as Junior Process Engineer I participated in logic development and commissioning of DCS retrofit of a steam turbine of power plant Debrecen (Hungary). The old DCS was replaced by a new DCS Ovation (Emerson). I was responsible for logic development and for assistance during the commissioning (IO checks, technological tests).

- 07/2010 – 01/2012 | ENO DCS Retrofit (Nováky – Slovakia) | Valcon Int
Associated with Valcon Int (http://www.valcon-int.com) as Junior Process Engineer, I was part of a team that developed and commissioned a logic for DCS retrofit for U1 & U2 of power plant Novaky (Slovakia). The old DCS was replaced with a new DCS Ovation (Emerson). My task was to program the logic and during the commissioning phase assist during the tests.

- 08/2011 – 11/2011 | Europlasma Waste-To-Heat (Morcenx – France) | Valcon Int
Associated with Valcon Int (http://www.valcon-int.com) as Junior Process Engineer I participated in development and commissioning of a logic for DCS of a newly built prototype of waste-to-heat power plant in Morcenx (France). Our task was to develop DCS logic/HMI according the description of the technology. We were also part of the commissioning team.

- 08/2010 – 11/2010 | Dunamenti G3 (Dunamenti – Hungary) | Valcon Int
Associated with Valcon Int (http://www.valcon-int.com) as Junior Process Engineer, I was part of a commissioning team of Dunamenti G3 (Hungary) power plant. I assisted during the IO checks and technological tests.

- 01/2009 – 07/2009 Vibration Monitoring System (Benešov – CZ) | FEE CTU
As a student of engineering at FEE CTU I participated in a team project in production factory Danone. Our goal was to develop and commissioning a vibration monitoring system using Siemens PLC.